Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 (2nd Edition)
Hardcore Visual Basic 5.0 - Second Edition (1997)(Microsoft Press).iso
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BASIC Source File
427 lines
Attribute VB_Name = "MBytes"
Option Explicit
Public Enum EErrorBytes
eeBaseBytes = 13430 ' Bytes
End Enum
Private aPower2(0 To 31) As Long
Sub StrToBytes(ab() As Byte, s As String)
If MUtility.IsArrayEmpty(ab) Then
' Assign to empty array
ab = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode)
Dim cab As Long
' Copy to existing array, padding or truncating if necessary
cab = UBound(ab) - LBound(ab) + 1
If Len(s) < cab Then s = s & String$(cab - Len(s), 0)
If UnicodeTypeLib Then
Dim st As String
st = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode)
CopyMemoryStr ab(LBound(ab)), st, cab
CopyMemoryStr ab(LBound(ab)), s, cab
End If
End If
End Sub
Function StrToBytesV(s As String) As Variant
' Copy to array
StrToBytesV = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode)
End Function
Function BytesToStr(ab() As Byte) As String
BytesToStr = StrConv(ab, vbUnicode)
End Function
Function ByteZToStr(ab() As Byte) As String
If UnicodeTypeLib Then
ByteZToStr = ab
ByteZToStr = StrConv(ab, vbUnicode)
End If
ByteZToStr = Left$(ByteZToStr, lstrlen(ByteZToStr))
End Function
Function BytesToWord(abBuf() As Byte, iOffset As Long) As Integer
BugAssert iOffset <= UBound(abBuf) + 1 - 2
Dim w As Integer
CopyMemory w, abBuf(iOffset), 2
BytesToWord = w
End Function
Function BytesToDWord(abBuf() As Byte, iOffset As Long) As Long
BugAssert iOffset <= UBound(abBuf) + 1 - 4
Dim dw As Long
CopyMemory dw, abBuf(iOffset), 4
BytesToDWord = dw
End Function
Sub BytesFromWord(w As Integer, abBuf() As Byte, iOffset As Long)
BugAssert iOffset <= UBound(abBuf)
CopyMemory abBuf(iOffset), w, 2
End Sub
' Read string with length in first byte
Function BytesToPStr(ab() As Byte, iOffset As Long) As String
BugAssert iOffset <= UBound(ab)
BytesToPStr = MidBytes(ab, iOffset + 1, ab(iOffset))
End Function
Sub BytesFromDWord(dw As Long, abBuf() As Byte, iOffset As Long)
BugAssert iOffset <= UBound(abBuf) + 1 - 4
CopyMemory abBuf(iOffset), dw, 4
End Sub
'' Emulate relevant Basic string functions for arrays of bytes:
'' Len$ LenBytes
'' Mid$ function MidBytes
'' Mid$ statement InsBytes sub
'' Left$ LeftBytes
'' Right$ RightBytes
' LenBytes - Emulates Len for array of bytes
Function LenBytes(ab() As Byte) As Long
LenBytes = UBound(ab) - LBound(ab) + 1
End Function
' MidBytes - emulates Mid$ function for array of bytes
' (Note that MidBytes does not emulate Mid$ exactly--string fields
' in byte arrays are often null-padded, and MidBytes can extract
' non-null portion)
Function MidBytes(ab() As Byte, ByVal iOffset As Long, _
Optional ByVal iLen As Long = 0, _
Optional fToNull As Boolean = False) As String
BugAssert iOffset < LenBytes(ab) And iOffset >= 0
Dim s As String, cab As Long
' Calculate length
If iLen <= 0 Then
cab = LenBytes(ab) - iOffset
cab = iLen
End If
' Assign and return string
s = String$(cab, 0)
CopyMemoryToStr s, ab(iOffset), cab
If UnicodeTypeLib Then s = MUtility.StrZToStr(StrConv(s, vbUnicode))
If fToNull Then
cab = InStr(s, vbNullChar)
If cab Then
MidBytes = Left$(s, cab - 1)
MidBytes = s
End If
MidBytes = s
End If
End Function
' InsBytes - Emulates Mid$ statement for array of bytes
' (Note that InsBytes does not emulate Mid$ exactly--it inserts
' a null-padded string into a fixed-size field in order to work
' better with common use of byte arrays.)
Sub InsBytes(sIns As String, ab() As Byte, ByVal iOffset As Long, _
Optional iLen As Long = 0)
BugAssert iOffset < LenBytes(ab) And iOffset >= 0
Dim cab As Long
' Calculate length
If iLen <= 0 Then
cab = Len(sIns)
cab = iLen
' Null-pad insertion string if too short
If (Len(sIns) < cab) Then
sIns = sIns & String$(cab - Len(sIns), 0)
End If
End If
BugAssert (Len(sIns) <= (LenBytes(ab) - iOffset))
' Insert string
If UnicodeTypeLib Then
Dim s As String
s = StrConv(sIns, vbFromUnicode)
CopyMemoryStr ab(iOffset), s, cab
CopyMemoryStr ab(iOffset), sIns, cab
End If
End Sub
' LeftBytes - Emulates Left$ function for array of bytes
Function LeftBytes(ab() As Byte, ByVal iLen As Long) As String
Dim s As String
s = String$(iLen, 0)
CopyMemoryToStr s, ab(LBound(ab)), iLen
If UnicodeTypeLib Then s = MUtility.StrZToStr(StrConv(s, vbUnicode))
LeftBytes = s
End Function
' RightBytes - Emulates Right$ function for array of bytes
Function RightBytes(ab() As Byte, ByVal iLen As Long) As String
Dim s As String
s = String$(iLen, 0)
CopyMemoryToStr s, ab(UBound(ab) - iLen + 1), iLen
If UnicodeTypeLib Then s = MUtility.StrZToStr(StrConv(s, vbUnicode))
RightBytes = s
End Function
' FillBytes - Fills field in array of bytes with given byte
Sub FillBytes(ab() As Byte, ByVal b As Byte, _
ByVal iOffset As Long, ByVal iLen As Long)
BugAssert (iOffset < LenBytes(ab)) And (iOffset >= 0)
BugAssert iOffset - 1 + iLen <= LenBytes(ab)
Dim i As Long
For i = iOffset To iOffset + iLen - 1
ab(i) = b
End Sub
' InStrBytes is not implemented because a simple version would
' simply be equivalent to InStr(ab(), s). This creates a temporary
' string for ab() on every call. An efficient version that works
' directly on arrays of bytes could be written in C.
Function LoWord(ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
If dw And &H8000& Then
LoWord = dw Or &HFFFF0000
LoWord = dw And &HFFFF&
End If
End Function
Function HiWord(ByVal dw As Long) As Integer
HiWord = (dw And &HFFFF0000) \ 65536
End Function
Function LoByte(ByVal w As Integer) As Byte
LoByte = w And &HFF
End Function
Function HiByte(ByVal w As Integer) As Byte
HiByte = (w And &HFF00&) \ 256
End Function
Function MakeWord(ByVal bLo As Byte, ByVal bHi As Byte) As Integer
'CopyMemory MakeWord, bLo, 1
'CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(MakeWord) + 1, bHi, 1
If bHi And &H80 Then
MakeWord = ((bHi * 256&) + bLo) Or &HFFFF0000
MakeWord = (bHi * 256) + bLo
End If
End Function
Function MakeDWord(ByVal wLo As Integer, ByVal wHi As Integer) As Long
'CopyMemory MakeDWord, wLo, 2
'CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(MakeDWord) + 2, wHi, 2
MakeDWord = (wHi * 65536) + (wLo And &HFFFF&)
End Function
Function LShiftWord(ByVal w As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As Integer
BugAssert c >= 0 And c <= 15
Dim dw As Long
dw = w * Power2(c)
If dw And &H8000& Then
LShiftWord = CInt(dw And &H7FFF&) Or &H8000
LShiftWord = dw And &HFFFF&
End If
End Function
Function RShiftWord(ByVal w As Integer, ByVal c As Integer) As Integer
BugAssert c >= 0 And c <= 15
Dim dw As Long
If c = 0 Then
RShiftWord = w
dw = w And &HFFFF&
dw = dw \ Power2(c)
RShiftWord = dw And &HFFFF&
End If
End Function
Function LShiftDWord(ByVal dw As Long, ByVal c As Integer) As Long
BugAssert c >= 0 And c <= 31
Dim dwT As Long
On Error GoTo FailLShiftDWord
dwT = dw * Power2(c)
If dwT And &H80000000 Then
LShiftDWord = CLng(dwT And &H7FFFFFFF) Or &H80000000
LShiftDWord = dwT
End If
Exit Function
End Function
Function RShiftDWord(ByVal dw As Long, ByVal c As Integer) As Long
BugAssert c >= 0 And c <= 31
On Error GoTo FailRShiftDWord
If c = 0 Then
RShiftDWord = dw
RShiftDWord = dw \ Power2(c)
End If
Exit Function
RShiftDWord = 0
End Function
' Set or clear iBitPos bit in iValue according to whether
' iTest expression is true.
Sub SetBitWord(ByVal iTest As Boolean, iValue As Integer, _
ByVal iBitPos As Integer)
BugAssert iBitPos >= 0 And iBitPos <= 15
If iTest Then
iValue = LoWord(iValue Or Power2(iBitPos))
iValue = LoWord(iValue And Not Power2(iBitPos))
End If
End Sub
Sub SetBitDWord(ByVal iTest As Boolean, iValue As Long, _
ByVal iBitPos As Integer)
BugAssert iBitPos >= 0 And iBitPos <= 31
If iTest Then
iValue = iValue Or Power2(iBitPos)
iValue = iValue And Not Power2(iBitPos)
End If
End Sub
' Get state of iBitPos bit in iValue
Function GetBit(ByVal iValue As Long, ByVal iBitPos As Integer) As Boolean
BugAssert iBitPos >= 0 And iBitPos <= 31
GetBit = iValue And Power2(iBitPos)
End Function
Function SwapWordBytes(ByVal w As Integer) As Integer
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(SwapWordBytes) + 1, w, 1
CopyMemory SwapWordBytes, ByVal VarPtr(w) + 1, 1
End Function
Function SwapDWordWords(ByVal dw As Long) As Long
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(SwapDWordWords) + 2, dw, 2
CopyMemory SwapDWordWords, ByVal VarPtr(dw) + 2, 2
End Function
' Swap a little endian DWORD to big endian, or vice versa
Function SwapEndian(ByVal dw As Long) As Long
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(SwapEndian) + 3, dw, 1
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(SwapEndian) + 2, ByVal VarPtr(dw) + 1, 1
CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(SwapEndian) + 1, ByVal VarPtr(dw) + 2, 1
CopyMemory SwapEndian, ByVal VarPtr(dw) + 3, 1
End Function
Function VBGetLogicalDrives() As String
Dim f32 As Long, i As Integer, s As String
f32 = GetLogicalDrives()
For i = 0 To 25
s = s & IIf(f32 And 1, "+", "-")
f32 = MBytes.RShiftDWord(f32, 1)
VBGetLogicalDrives = s
End Function
Property Get Power2(ByVal i As Integer) As Long
BugAssert i >= 0 And i <= 31
#If fComponent = 0 Then
If aPower2(0) = 0 Then
aPower2(0) = &H1&
aPower2(1) = &H2&
aPower2(2) = &H4&
aPower2(3) = &H8&
aPower2(4) = &H10&
aPower2(5) = &H20&
aPower2(6) = &H40&
aPower2(7) = &H80&
aPower2(8) = &H100&
aPower2(9) = &H200&
aPower2(10) = &H400&
aPower2(11) = &H800&
aPower2(12) = &H1000&
aPower2(13) = &H2000&
aPower2(14) = &H4000&
aPower2(15) = &H8000&
aPower2(16) = &H10000
aPower2(17) = &H20000
aPower2(18) = &H40000
aPower2(19) = &H80000
aPower2(20) = &H100000
aPower2(21) = &H200000
aPower2(22) = &H400000
aPower2(23) = &H800000
aPower2(24) = &H1000000
aPower2(25) = &H2000000
aPower2(26) = &H4000000
aPower2(27) = &H8000000
aPower2(28) = &H10000000
aPower2(29) = &H20000000
aPower2(30) = &H40000000
aPower2(31) = &H80000000
End If
#End If
Power2 = aPower2(i)
End Property
#If fComponent Then
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
aPower2(0) = &H1&
aPower2(1) = &H2&
aPower2(2) = &H4&
aPower2(3) = &H8&
aPower2(4) = &H10&
aPower2(5) = &H20&
aPower2(6) = &H40&
aPower2(7) = &H80&
aPower2(8) = &H100&
aPower2(9) = &H200&
aPower2(10) = &H400&
aPower2(11) = &H800&
aPower2(12) = &H1000&
aPower2(13) = &H2000&
aPower2(14) = &H4000&
aPower2(15) = &H8000&
aPower2(16) = &H10000
aPower2(17) = &H20000
aPower2(18) = &H40000
aPower2(19) = &H80000
aPower2(20) = &H100000
aPower2(21) = &H200000
aPower2(22) = &H400000
aPower2(23) = &H800000
aPower2(24) = &H1000000
aPower2(25) = &H2000000
aPower2(26) = &H4000000
aPower2(27) = &H8000000
aPower2(28) = &H10000000
aPower2(29) = &H20000000
aPower2(30) = &H40000000
aPower2(31) = &H80000000
End Sub
#End If
#If fComponent = 0 Then
Private Sub ErrRaise(e As Long)
Dim sText As String, sSource As String
If e > 1000 Then
sSource = App.ExeName & ".Bytes"
Select Case e
Case eeBaseBytes
BugAssert True
' Case ee...
' Add additional errors
End Select
Err.Raise COMError(e), sSource, sText
' Raise standard Visual Basic error
sSource = App.ExeName & ".VBError"
Err.Raise e, sSource
End If
End Sub
#End If